Australian Earth Laws Centre (AELC)

The Australian Earth Laws Centre (AELC) is an initiative of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA).

The AELC is Australia’s leading network of researchers, practitioners and community leaders who are working to create and promote Earth centred law and governance, including (but not limited to):

  • the theory and practice of Earth jurisprudence
  • Earth laws and Indigenous First Laws
  • ecological law and governance
  • rights of nature and legal personhood for nature
  • the law of ecocide
  • Greenprints and Earth-centred bioregional law

AELA is a founding member of the Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature and works with organisations around the world on Rights of Nature, Ecocide and other Earth Laws projects and initiatives.

For further information about the AELC, please visit this webpage

If you or your community would like more information, or would like to book a workshop or meeting, please email: